Tuesday, 22 March 2016


Pr. James Victor Lubwama

Ecclesiastes 7:1 (AMP)
“A good name is better than precious perfume……..”

When God anoints a name, it becomes established, and it’s remembered by all generations. There are names that are still significant even when those individuals are long gone. You can be known to be trustworthy, honest, reliable and a person of integrity even when you are not rich; for an upright character is just enough to push you into prosperity and blessings. 

When Satan wants to hold your success, breakthrough or progress in life, he will hold your name first. There are names that are known for all the wrong reasons and with no credibility - crowning you as a failure, forlorn and frail person; such a name cannot take you far in life. Indigenous names like “Zirabamuzaale” “Bizibu” etc declare negativity into our lives and destiny, no wonder you are ever toiling because of the meaning behind your name.

Significance of A Name
In a battle led by Alexander III the Great, a young soldier who was causing problems among other soldiers was brought before him. Alexander the Great asked the soldier; ‘what’s your name?’ The young soldier replied: “Alexander.” Alexander the Great then told him; ‘either change your name or change your conduct.’ -  Names represent character, identity and authority.

Names are special and they should be. In Jesus’ days even more so in the Old Testament, names meant a little bit more than they do today. For instance, the name “Isaac” means “laughter” The name “Jacob” means “heel grabber or supplanter” Why? In bible, names either described the circumstances or the character of the one born, and we read many times when God changed a person’s name and gave him or her a new name; it was usually done to establish a new identity. For example;
·        Jacob (supplanter) was renamed Israel ("who prevails with God"– Genesis 32:8 
·        Abram (noble father) was renamed Abraham (father of many nations)- Genesis 17:5 and,
·      Sarai (quarrelsome) was renamed Sarah (Princess-mother of nations) – Genesis 17:15
These days, people name their children after famous people, places or words that sound sweet and hyper but with a negative meaning or no meaning at all. Do you know the meaning of your name?  
A good name makes people bow; a good name will make you earn people’s trust, it can take you places and open doors for you. It’s your responsibility to keep your name a good name so that when it is spoken; hopefully good things come to mind and that is why you should pray to God to anoint your name.

The Name Above All Names
There are a lot of names that are historically loud, and carry significance; yet, throughout history there is no other name that carries life, truth, depth, Salvation and power than the name of JESUS. Acts 4:11-12 (NIV) declares; 
“Jesus is ‘the stone you builders rejected, which has become the cornerstone.’12 Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.”
Do you know why there’s no other name? Because there’s no other name! It’s that simple. In no other name is there salvation and life. In no other name is there healing and restoration, comfort, reconciliation, hope, forgiveness, strength, peace, protection, truth, freedom, and about a million other things. His name is enough! We don’t need the name of martyred saints or religious leaders or any other man or woman. The name of Jesus is adequate for all of our needs - It’s a special name. Even the devil knows how special the name of Jesus is!

Having gone through all that he went through, Jesus humbled himself and became obedient to the point of death at the cross but after all that he was given a name above all names
Philippians 2:9-11(NKJV) says; Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name, 10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, 11 and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
There is power in a name!

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