Friday, 31 December 2021


We love the idea of New Year’s resolutions, but often get discouraged when we don't attain them. Theoretically fired up, practically unachieved. So some simple habits have been jotted down which change your life when developed over time, with the aim of inspiring you to increase your productivity, creativity, awareness and most importantly draw you nearer to God.

1. Read the Bible everyday
If you've never done it, read the whole Bible this year! Draft a bible reading plan. You can only get to know God by reading His word. From the old to the New Testament, get to know the different events and how God revealed himself and redeemed his people. It will build your faith, strengthen your salvation and beam your revelation
2. Serve in a church

If you're not already serving in your local church, make it a point this year! No more excuses, we are saved to serve! And be consistent with it, commit to doing it once a week and make a habit of partnering with Jesus in advancing His kingdom.  Pr. James Victor Lubwama always says that; “God has blessed with jobs, businesses, skills, talents and knowledge so that we can serve him”. Knowledge not put to use produces pride. In any local church, there are many departments or ministries where you can fix yourself, so inquire from the pastor and find a department or ministry which suits your skills, passion and talent. Some people resist connecting with the church because they feel they want more from them than they want for them, however, when you find a local church and pour your heart into it, your life will never be the same.

3. Pray!
When you wake before starting your day, when you walk out your front door in the morning... when you start your car or board a taxi. Take something you do every day and make a habit of praying every time you do it! The bible says in 1 Thessalonians 5:17 that; "Rejoice always, pray continually”. 
At MCFM, we are called to be “shield bearers” (Psalm 18:34 – He trains my hands for battle; he strengthens my arm to draw a bronze bow”.) make it appoint to align yourself with the vision of the ministry

4. Attend more Church
Make it a point to attend more than a single Sunday service. We have a diverse program which you can incorporate in your schedule. Bible study, overnight service and special services. Attending more services will boost the immunity of your spiritual life.
5. Fast
Fasting is a spiritual discipline of foregoing consumption of food for a predetermined period of time. Set aside particular time to fast and reawaken the connection with your Maker (Joel 2:13) - and remember fasting doesn't change God but it changes you. Fasting must be accompanied by prayer because prayer without fasting is hunger strike;  
6. Take more risks.
I don't want to live a safe life, and I don't want to lead a safe team. Don’t get too comfortable, take risks on people, ideas, career and life. Faith is about taking a risk. God will keep pouring into us as we keep pouring out. Don't be reckless, but don't hold back!

7. Sit down and learn
Many times, we get caught up in ministry duties especially amidst service that we miss out on the best thing (word of God). Schedule your duties but don't just get up caught up in the 'doing' that you forget to sit at Jesus' feet and listen to his word. (Luke 10:38-42)
8. Celebrate the wins
We all have full lives; it can be so easy to just keep moving on to the next thing. But take the time to stop and celebrate the wins in your life, in your church, with your pastors and ministry/team. Celebrate the success, celebrate the anointing, celebrate the men of God and celebrate the people that made it possible!  Laughter is the best medicine. Be it family, at work or during church. Life is to be enjoyed, not endured!
9. Create more and push the boundaries
Imagine if Steve Jobs stopped after he created the iPodwe wouldn't have the iPhone and the iPad. Let’s look at Pr.J.V..Lubwama, we have a magnificent church, an arena, a parking lot and an upcoming cathedral. Let's not stop creating, let's keep pushing the boundaries of what's possible. Go back to school, get that postgraduate or PhD, aim for that managerial post.
Let's push the boundaries in the way we lead, serve our church, and work.

10. Mentor someone
Don’t totally focus on yourself, why not commit to mentoring and developing someone this year. Help someone reach his or her goals. Teach them what you've learnt and help them make their life better. Invest in someone and be concerned with the opportunities you give than what you get
11. Make new Friends
We've all heard the saying “show me your friends, and I'll show you who you are”. If we want to grow our lives this year, what better way than to make new friends! Probably with people that challenge us and different to us. New friends bring new experiences.
12. Take Lessons / Get more Skillful
No matter how good you are, there will always be someone you can learn from. Read a book or take a free online course. No one graduates from learning.
A new language, a new instrument, a new skill... learn how to bake, drive, paint, or computer program etc. Whether it's cooking, blogging, driving, gardening, get in the habit of acquiring a new skill. It takes time but develop a consistent outlet for your creativity. Learn something new! 
13. Read a book
Whether hard or soft copy, read a book this year. An e-book and audio book can easily be downloaded onto your smartphone or tablet. Trapped in traffic jam, embarked on a short or long journey or waiting for someone, pull out a book and read.
14. Volunteer
Be a volunteer - in your spirit, with your time. Do you serve because you have to or because you want to? Fix yourself somewhere and lay a hand. Be a flexible person. Let it be church construction, ushering, cleaning or outreach.
15. Read a Psalm every day
I love the Psalms. They teach about worshipping God in the good times, and the bad. As people who worship in spirit and truth, the best way to learn about the heart of worship is from the Psalms in the Word of God.
16. Plan to be generous
Create space in your budget for generosity. Be generous with your words, with your encouragement, with your gifts. Make a plan to be generous financially! Many times we are pre-occupied with survival that we miss success. Financially and happily support the church more in all ongoing development projects. Isaiah 32:8 says; “But generous people plan to do what is generous, and they stand firm in their generosity.”
17. Put your phone down
It's so easy to live your life with your head down, looking and smiling at your phone all the time. Responding to whatsapp messages, reading emails and checking your notifications on social media.  Look up. Put your phone in your pocket when you're walking. Put it in offline mode when you're in church. Leave it in silent mode when you are in a meeting. Don’t let it rule your life.
18. Check on your family and friends
You might love talking to your family, or it might be something you haven't done in years. Pick up the phone and call your parents once in a while. Don't just think about them, but let them know you're thinking about them! Check on your close friends when you have time, don’t just like there facebook photos.
19. Mind your health
Drink water and eat fruit. Again, common sense that's not so common. Have a refillable water bottle with you, buy and consume more fresh fruit. Forego a plate of chips for some salad and fruit.
20. Spend time with someone much older and wiser than you
I love what Proverbs 4 teaches us about learning from the wisdom of our elders. It's just common sense! I don't know everything, and neither do you. Have a chat with someone who you look up to, is more exposed and experienced than you. Let them teach you what they wish someone had taught them at that age. Proverbs 11:14 says; “Where there is no counsel, the people fall; but in the multitude of counselors there is safety”
Pick one or two or four and commit to them, refurbish yourself as you await for God to perfect that which concerns you, and don't stop when the year is over.                

Happy New Year!!! 

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