Sunday, 5 February 2017


Pr. Geoffrey Kibombo

Judges 16:4-5 (NKJV)
Afterward it happened that he loved a woman in the Valley of Sorek, whose name was Delilah. 5 And the lords of the Philistines came up to her and said to her, “Entice him, and find out where his great strength lies, and by what means we may overpower him………...”
There is a reason and purpose as to why we are on earth; the physical body signifies responsibility - serving God. God expects everyone with flesh and blood to do something in God's kingdom because we shall give accountability in the afterlife. We came into this world to do something for God - further His Kingdom, but there is a mystery behind our ability to serve Him fully and relentlessly.  

The bible says in Psalm 115:16 (ESV) that;
 The heavens are the LORD’s heavens, but the earth he has given to the children of man.” 
Things concerning the earth are in our hands, for God gave us authority over earth and we are supposed to just call upon him to lead and intervene, but if we don't, He wont; therefore, we should to know that our ability to reign on earth is in God and if the devil steals this secret from us, we can’t fulfill our mission.
Samson got strength from God to fight against Philistines, but there was a mystery behind the enormous power that made him triumph over. As he conquered, the devil plotted to tear him down by getting to know the mystery of his strength. The philistine leaders looked for the woman he loved and requested her to entice him so that he reveals the mystery of his strength, and thereafter afflict him. Delilah started persuading Samson continuously until he revealed the mystery of his strength.

Behind us, there is power that causes to overcome, but always the devil attacks to weaken us by targeting the mystery or source of our strength. After Samson had overcome the Philistines and led Israel for twenty years, the devil did something that I want us to guard against. There are things that cause each one of us to soar . Let’s have an insight into the mysteries of our strength.

Isaiah 5:13 (NKJV) 
Therefore my people have gone into captivity, because they have no knowledge 

The dictionary defines knowledge as; acquaintance with facts, truths or principles, as from study or investigation; general erudition, or the fact or condition of being aware of something. Knowledge is power. If you want to defeat someone in certain things, just conceal knowledge from your opponent. One of the things that make God sorrowful is our ignorance about Him and His ways. Isaiah 1:3 (NLT) says;
Even an ox knows its owner, and a donkey recognizes its master’s care—but Israel doesn’t know its master
There are certain things God expects us to know. The bible says in Deuteronomy 29:29 that; “The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but those things which are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law.” 
Ignorance gives the devil a foothold in our life to attack us. If we acquire the necessary knowledge, we shall be able to overcome lots of things. When you go deeper into knowing God, you start being a disciple of Jesus. Jesus said in John 8:31 that; If you abide in my word, you are my disciples indeed.” 
When the devil takes away knowledge and understanding from you, he will have grabbed you of the mystery of your strength. And after stealing it, he goes ahead to bind and then afflict you. Many people don’t want to go deeper into knowing God and his ways. Hosea 4:6 says; 
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also reject you as my priests 

One of the mysteries that will enable us accomplish our mission on planet earth is knowledge. For you to serve God, you have to desire knowledge. They don’t pray for knowledge but it’s sought from those who are already informed and reading books. 
When you are informed you become confident, empowered, and rest assured that irrespective of any challenge or setback, God has a better plan for you. The devil cannot take advantage of those who are already informed about his tricks. 2 Corinthians 2:11 says; 
lest Satan should take advantage of us; for we are not ignorant of his devices.”
Many people oppose divine church principles because they are uninformed; They don’t believe that God can heal their diseases, or a Pastor can know what is in their life and foretell what will happen to them and, they don’t submit to leaders nor are they pastored. 
With knowledge comes understanding (comprehension of information), and application of understood knowledge produces wisdom. You cannot apply what you don't understand and you cant understand what you don't know. Some people have lots of problems because they are ignorant. If you go deeper into knowledge, you shall have prevented a myriad problems and poor decision making.    

Word of GOD
Psalm 119:98 (AMP) 
Your commandments make wiser than my enemies, for Your Words are always with me.”  

One of the core mysteries that make us strong is the word of God and if the devil steals that, you are in big trouble. No wonder the devil has made us too busy to have time to read the word of God; a lot of time is spent watching TV and scrolling through online movie streaming apps, and chatting on social media, and no significant time is spared to read and be taught the word. Most people only read the bible in church during service but not at home or during their devotion time. People prefer being prayed for than being taught how to pray. Some people can’t even dedicate time to go for bible study or fellowship, which explains the little numbers in bible study services. We don’t desire to enhance what we minimally know because the devil has stolen the mystery of yearning to know God more. God himself has exalted his word above his name
The devil doesn’t look for everything from you but the source of your strength. Judges 16:5 says; And the lords of the Philistines came up to her and said to her, “Entice him, and find out where his great strength lies, and by what means we may overpower him…”  
Whenever you invest God’s word in your life, it makes you wiser than other people  as seen in Psalm 119:98 above. 

Right Place
2 Chronicles 7:16
For now I have chosen and sanctified this house, that my name be there forever; and my eyes and my heart shall be there perpetually 

You cannot be blessed from every place. Not every place is open heaven for you but every place is open heaven to those God has sent there. God never appeared to Jesus until he went to river Jordan. When the devil steals the mystery of your strength he will make you frustrated and tired by rotating you around, thus you end up wrongfully blaming God’s servants for yet its your vagabond spiritual lifestyle. You cannot meet God in every place or be blessed form any place but in the right place.

Prophetic wise, we are in a season of New Chapters and new beginnings but you cannot partake of this Rhema word except when you are under this covenant
When you grasp this, you get to know that you can go to all other places but your open heaven is in a specific place because our God is the God of right places. 

Spiritual Father
Hebrews 13:17 (AMP) 
Obey your [spiritual] leaders and submit to them [recognizing their authority over you], for they are keeping watch over your souls and continually guarding your spiritual welfare as those who will give an account [of their stewardship of you]. Let them do this with joy and not with grief and groans, for this would be of no benefit to you.”  

Another mystery of our strength is being pastored - having a spiritual father. Just like earthly fathers, you cannot have more than one spiritual father. Very few people know what it means to have a spiritual father. When you are pastored, you have a covering upon you i.e. problems and afflictions don’t hit you directly because you are under a someone's spiritual protection. But when you are not pastored, problems attack you directly. Most people are spiritual vagabonds. They never have a spiritual father and spiritual home thus no covering because they drift from church to church. 
There is always one Spiritual parent who holds your blessing so endeavour to have a healthy relationship with him or her.  Remember that the person who can be mentioned in prayer is one who has a good and personal relationship with their pastor. Philemon 1:4 (NIV) says; I always thank my God as I remember you in my prayers." 

Jeremiah 33:3 (EXB) says;
“Pray [call] to me, and I will answer you. I will tell you important secrets [greater and hidden things] you have never heard before." 

Prayer is an appeal or request of the things you need unto God; It is a mode of communication by which we speak to God, that is to say, dialogue between man and God. In salvation, if a person cannot pray to God, he or she is spiritually weak and cannot receive anything. 
Anyone who doesn't pray is food for the devil. A prayerless Christian is limited in achievement in any of his or her ventures; his or her education is stifled, business is a strain, there is no breakthrough and everything just drags with a lot of struggles. A family that doesn't pray together disintegrates but a family that prays together stays together.
Most people when faced with problems run to friends or relatives; but many times when you run to fellow men, the probability of being disappointed is quite high. Why? The person you are running to for rescue may not be available or not be in position to help you, and that is why we believers always run to the Lord in prayer.

One of the mysteries of our strength and victory is the church is that we face throne-ward first to God in prayer and encounter or strategise later. God will then be your shield and go ahead of you, because when problems or terror see God, they will scatter. The reason we seek God in prayer is because our redemption comes from neither east nor west but from the creator of heaven and earth. Prayer is very vital in every Christian’s life; it’s the gun we use to destroy the works of the enemy. 

What will make us unique, successful and strong? Reading the bible, praying acquiring knowledge from informed people and, having a spiritual father and local church

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