Sunday, 9 January 2022


Pastor James Victor Lubwama

It is a good thing to know the mind of God as we enter the New Year. Some people have their minds set on circumstances and by this they are misled because they think this is the mind of God for them. We all have a debt to be born-again and be part of God’s family, because what I’m sharing is for the family of God - those who are washed by the blood of Jesus. Once you confess salvation, you automatically become part of God’s family (John 1:12)

In sharing the mind of God, I need you to know that God the Father has a plan for His family. His plan does not change from year to year and it is a big plan. There is no year without challenges, because the devil is also not resting. For this reason, the church was given power to hinder and destroy the works and schemes of the devil (Luke 10:19), and we thank Jesus who was manifested to destroy devil’s works. (1 John 3:8)


God Has Good Plans For You

Our Father has a good plan for us every year and it does not change, but the devil, the deceiver just plays with our minds to make us think otherwise. The church was bought with the blood of Jesus and God protects His family because He paid a high price to make it what it is. You are the family of God and what causes problems in this family is nothing big but simply not seeking guidance; some get it and despise it, while others think they are very informed that their own minds are supposed to guide them.

God had plans right from the old covenant as He showed us in the Exodus - the journey of the Israelites from Egypt to Canaan was a revelation, and God was trying to paint a picture of the church. The new church of the blood of Jesus was not yet birthed. And what God was attempting to show was that, after the church is birthed; when it is moving from captivity to freedom it must be guided - the cloud in the wilderness signified the Holy Spirit while Moses signified the pastor. Moses would connect with the cloud through the voice of God and then direct the congregation. They were moving although they did not know the destination but they trusted in God and His promises. That is the same with the church today. We follow Jesus by trust, and having faith in His word.

When some people face challenges, the devil starts to speak into their lives making them think that God does not care for them and that they have to first suffer in order to receive good things. Before you were born, God knew you and had a plan for you.  You ask yourself, why don’t I have what I desire? But even the Israelites did not get to Canaan in one day. They went in phases and it was one step at a time, from glory to glory. I commonly use the phrase that; God is going to bless you, not all at once but step by step and each step is a miracle.

Every year God’s mind is that He has a good plan for you. The bible says in Jeremiah 29:11 (GNT) that;

I alone know the plans I have for you, plans to bring you prosperity and not disaster, plans to bring about the future you hope for”

God is saying “I alone” meaning He has never shared the plans with another person, not even the angels. Only He knows the plans He has for you in 2022. Before a building goes up there is a plan that is made and the implementation of that plan has a timeframe and cost implication.


Suffered For Our Prosperity

Revelations 5:12 (KJV)

Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honour, and glory, and blessing”

The Lord suffered for the church; He worked for our prosperity and was slain in a violent way. He took off his glory for a reason. He cannot sit in heaven and be quiet when the church is going through suffering, poverty and disease. He suffered not to receive power for himself but for his family. He purchased power, riches and wisdom for you and me.

He had all the wealth in heaven so he needed none for himself, but He needed us to inherit riches and wisdom, because the deceiver had been cast down on the earth, and in order to overcome him we needed wisdom, strength, honor, glory and blessing. The King of kings, suffered violently, He set aside his glory for us, therefore, He cannot rest when your life is not desirable and this is the mind of God.

God’s plans is to bring you prosperity not disaster” because He was slain to purchase it. If He bought it, then He will endeavor to see that His people prosper and do not face disaster. In the year 2022 we are going to tell the devil that we are going to receive prosperity not disaster. Prosperity does not only concern money. You have to prosper in the spiritual things, the physical, in wisdom and other areas of your life. This year the plan of God has to be implemented in your life. He will affect people positively to show the fruits of the cross. God’s will and plan is to prosper you, and that should be your mindset. This year as you wake up every morning you need to declare prosperity and not disaster.

When the scripture says; “plans to bring about the future you hope for” this means you are going to live your dreams this year. Expect it even when you do not know how it’s going to happen. You have to believe it because God does not give you what you do not see. There are some people who have already lost hope because they are highly focused on the surrounding circumstances. You may not be in a good state right now but God’s plan is to bring you prosperity and He wants to bring the future you hope for. What do you hope for? Whatever it is, God is supporting it.


You Want To See Fruition?

Every year God has a good plan for His sons and daughters, however, it is us who hinder Him from implementing His plans. And as believer what should you do to see that God’s plan is implemented and His word bears fruit in your life?

1. Be Positioned In The Right Place

Matthew 28:10 (KJV) 

“Go tell my brethren that they go into Galilee, and there shall they see me”.

God said that for these things to happen you have to be in the right place, Jesus told the disciples that He would resurrect but whoever does not go to Galilee would not see him. He was going to strip off his flesh and take on the spiritual so that he would be wherever he needed to be at any time. There is the right place where God wants to meet you and until you are where God is expecting you to be, you will not see Him. What fails the plan of God is being misplaced - once the devil misplaces you, the Lord is not going to implement His plan. We miss God in life because we are wrongly placed. May God guide you to the right place this year


2. Do The Right Thing - Pray

Even though you are in the right place, you are supposed to do what is right in order for God’s plan to be fulfilled. Some people are in the right place but they are not praying, and yet prayer is very fundamental in implementation of God’s plan for your life. Jesus was the son of God but when he came to earth, he prayed and fasted for the Father’s will to be done. Successful people pray.

This year you need to pray even if you are in the right place. In order to see God’s plan come to life, you need to pray. As a believer you have got to pray, fast, tithe, give to the poor and above all be filled with the Holy Spirit. Some people are in the right places but they are not filled with the Holy Spirit; they are being religious and carnal which is a dangerous state to be in.

3. Testify To God’s Works

Psalm 118:17 (NIV)

“I will not die but live, and will proclaim what the LORD has done.”

As we cross into 2022, I know that the Lord is going to perfect you, and when He does, you have got to talk about His works - speaking of the works of the Lord is to testify. God is on the throne and He needs His children to testify for the great things He has done. For what God has done and is going to do, we need to testify and tell the world about His great and wondrous works. In 2022 you will live to testify and talk of Gods greatness.

4. Be Obedient

Some believers try to reason with God and make excuses. You give excuses when the Holy Spirit asks you to do something, but an excuse is the first step to disobedience. God asks you to fast and you give excuses. A king’s request is a command. If God tells you to pray, obey and do so; If He asks you to give, do as commanded. These are the things that are going to bring you a blessing. You should be able to pass the test of obedience. Even though you pray day and night but you are continually disobedient, you will not see God. My prayer for you is that God gives you the grace to be obedient in the new year.

We received a Rhema word from Pastor Benny Hinn that revival would start in Uganda. However, we should know that revival will not come without prayer. If you want to see revival in your home, life and work, you need to pray. You need to move God and not the other way around. Do not be forced by problems to pray and seek God early like David did (Psalm 63:1a)

May God give you the spirit of prayer and supplication in 2022. We have therefore got to embrace this revival and welcome it. But before revival is manifested in the world it must start in church, and before it’s manifested in church, it must start in your family. This year your home altar should be strengthened, so the fire should begin from homes and go into the church and then move from the church into the nation until the ends of the earth.

God’s plan this year is to bring you prosperity and not disaster, so wake up every morning declaring prosperity in every aspect of your life. Happy New Year!!

Monday, 3 January 2022

Pr. James Victor Lubwama

Psalm 55:22 (NKJV)
Cast your burden on the Lord, and He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved”

In this world we have many burdens which bring about worry or grief that grows and overshadows our faith and hope. A burden may either be an oppressive or worrisome fixation spiritually upon your heart or a heavy load carried physically on your shoulders or head. It is something that is very heavy and brings about hardship. Burdens hinder a stable walk in salvation because of the weight they cast upon your heart and mind. And so anyone with a burden cannot walk steadily and in case one does so, he or she is slowed down by the bulkiness of the load; you cannot even hold a steady conversation when you are spiritually, emotionally or psychologically burdened.

Burdens - Spiritual & Physical
A burden is birthed when one encounters a problematic phase in life: Whenever you get problems or hardships, there is pain that is birthed; the pain may not be felt physically, but it permeates your spirit, and thus you may physically begin to lose weight because a burden drains life out of you.   

There are physical burdens in our day to day lives that can be put off but there are also spiritual burdens that come as a result of the problems you are experiencing. Every difficult situation you go through leaves behind a deposit in your spirit. When we are burdened, we start running here and there, to anyone and everyone looking for someone to unburden us and when no one can, we eventually become disappointed in the process. But Jesus says in Matthew 11:28-29 (AMPC) that; 
Come unto Me, all you who labor and are heavy-laden and overburdened, and I will cause you to rest. [I will ease and relieve and refresh your souls.] 29 Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me, for I am gentle (meek) and humble (lowly) in heart, and you will find rest (relief and ease and refreshment and recreation and blessed quiet) for your souls.”

People are consumed by burdens because they do not gracefully surrender them to the Lord; even when we pray to God to take away a burden, we do so with partitioned faith – one eye looks unto Jesus and the other one looks at your sibling to come to your rescue. Whenever you surrender to God your burden, you have got to trust Him and believe that He will take it away. 

The burden loaded unto your heart will give birth to worry which will bear fruits of fear and panic. So most times instead of praying to the Lord of Salvation, we end up panicking and as a result make wrong choices. But if we prayed as much as we worried, we would have nothing at all to worry about. The bible says in Philippians 4:6 (NKJV) that;
”Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.” 
The best decision you should make during a problematic burdensome moment is to choose to pray.

How do we Unburden?
The psalmist above is telling us to “cast your burden on the Lord, and He shall sustain you”. The key word in the second part is - sustain which means to strengthen or support mentally or physically, or to give relief or support. So when the Lord talks about sustaining you, it means enabling you to endure the burden by giving you grace and strength (2 Cor 12:8-9) and then later coming to your rescue to completely remove the burden. God wants the weary and heavy-laden to surrender to Him so that He can give them rest. He does not want you to leave His presence with your burden. 

Everything we have whether family, houses or jobs is by of the grace of God. Because He is the Lord of your life, He will not permit that new level you have reached to fall into the hands of your enemy. This means that God is going to fight for you at every level you ascend to so that you are not shaken or displaced. Remember for every new level we ascend to, we encounter a new devil but God won’t permit the devil’s tactics to prevail upon you (Isaiah 43:2). In Christ we grow and also move from glory to glory. 2 Corinthians 3:18 (GNT) that; 
“All of us, then, reflect the glory of the Lord with uncovered faces; and that same glory coming from the Lord, who is the Spirit, transforms us into his likeness in an ever greater degree of glory”

In order for God to do this He requires you to cast all your burdens at His feet through prayer. We should always call upon God because He sees it all but He cannot intervene in your situation until He is called upon. The bible says in Psalm 115:16 (NLT) that; "the heavens belong to the Lord, but he has given the earth to all humanity. 

God gave His children to reign on earth and have dominion, so He sees all that goes on in our lives and even knows our burdens, problems and challenges but He can only get involved if we acknowledge that we do need Him to intervene; and when He has been called upon, only then can He come to unburden you. When we are burdened, we have two choices - to either run up and down for help or call upon the Lord to unburden us. The choice we make determines the results (Deuteronomy 30:19). 
Some Christians do not bother to call upon the Lord in prayer because they assume that God can see and knows what they are going through. Indeed He can see but He only helps those who call upon Him. Romans 10:13 (NIV) says; 
For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved”

We should therefore learn to pray because prayer is the mode of communication to our Creator. A person who doesn’t want to pray is not yet aware of the magnitude of their problems and impact of their burden. You need to pray to God and cast all your afflictions, worries, problems, and impossibilities unto Him because; “the things that are impossible with people are possible with God” - Luke 18:27

God is on Your Side
Challenges and problems my come but God will not allow the righteous to be moved. Shift your focus and look not unto the storm but to the Lord because if your focus is on the burden and not on God, you will drown just like Peter did (Mathew 14:28-30). Whatever the situation, you will not be moved if you fix your eyes on Jesus because if God is for you, no burden can prevail. Romans 8:31 (AMP) that; 
What then shall we say to all these things? if God is for us, who can be successful against us?”

For whatever you are able to do, you should thank God for His mercy, but for that which you are unable to do on your own, you should call upon Him. When you surrender to God, but feel like your deliverance has delayed, be assured that God will bring it to a standstill until you attain victory. God has done this before and can do it again if you believe. For instance on the day the Lord gave the Amorites over to the Israelites, Joshua commanded the sun to stand still. Joshua 10:12-14 (NLT) says:

“On the day the LORD gave the Israelites victory over the Amorites, Joshua prayed to the LORD infront of all the people of Israel. He said, “Let the sun stand still over Gibeon, and the moon over the valley of Aijalon.” 13 So the sun stood still and the moon stayed in place until the nation of Israel had defeated its enemies. Is this event not recorded in The Book of Jashar? The sun stayed in the middle of the sky, and it did not set as on a normal day. 14 There has never been a day like this one before or since, when the Lord answered such a prayer. Surely the Lord fought for Israel that day!”

Lets consider Daniel's situation to show that God can pause a situation until the time of your deliverance. When Daniel was thrown into the lion’s den, God shut the lion’s mouth (Daniel 6:22). God may permit some problems to come your way but can suspend their burden until salvation arrives.  Do not focus on the lion but on the one who controls the lion; Look at how God rescued Daniel from the den of lions without any harm, but those who had falsely accused him were instead thrown into the den and the lions mauled them before they touched ground (Daniel 6:24). 
If Daniel had focused on the lions they would have devoured him. 
If you want to guard your faith, ignore the problems before you but instead look at God and what He can do. The moment you look at the problem your faith will scatter and fear will walk in - fear and faith cannot coexist. We are warned in Hebrews 11:6 (AMP) that; 
“But without faith it is impossible to [walk with God and] please Him, for whoever comes [near] to God must [necessarily] believe that God exists and that He rewards those who [earnestly and diligently] seek Him”.

Trust God and Rest
Learn to ignore your problems and instead have faith in your Creator. Whenever Daniel heard the lion’s roars, he fixed his eyes on God and rested – when you trust God you rest. We are consumed by burdens because we focus our eyes on them, instead of looking unto God We should always look upon the Lord for redemption and this confidence and faith is fueled by what God has done for you previously – what He did yesterday, He can do it again today; what God has ever done for one person, He can do again for another. And what He did for Daniel yesterday, He can do for you today because God changes not - “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever” - Hebrews 13:8

Quit focusing on your problems because God will not permit them to overwhelm you. He will not permit his righteous to be moved or shaken (Psalm 125:1). It is the will of the devil to have you shaken but God says that for whatever step you take in to a place He has given you, you will be established (Deuteronomy 11:24). Everywhere you step, you will be established. In every step you take, you will be shaken because the devil will try to fail you, but God says you will not be moved. Psalm 35:1 (NLT) says; Lord, oppose those who oppose me. Fight those who fight against me”.  

You may have people opposing you but it does not matter who is opposing you because God will fight all those who oppose you. Tell the Lord what is pulling you down. When you pray, mention every area of your life that is filled with burdens. God will hear your prayers and He will deliver you.
The Salvation journey is a growth journey that involves ascending or growing from one level to another, and the moment you start to ascend, the devil will attack you and shake your movements so that you stagger and retrogress, but however much he tries you shall not be moved but shall instead progress because “for everyone born of God is victorious” – 1 John 5:4.

Let us unburden by surrendering to God of any load that is too heavy to bear.  Let us always call upon Him in prayer because everyone who calls on the name of the Jesus is saved. Do not fix your eyes on the gigantic problems before you lest you will be defeated. The bible says in Psalms 37:25 (NIV) that; 
I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread.  
No righteous person will be forsaken. God will not allow it.

If you are overwhelmed by any situation, surrender it to the Lord God who makes the impossible possible. Report everything wearing you out to God, because He cares and can ably deal with it. Just like David cried out in Psalm 42:3 (HCSB); 
My tears have been my food day and night, while all day long people say to me,Where is your God?”  

The time for tears is no more; it’s time to surrender to God, standstill on His word and patiently wait upon His salvation. They will no longer ask where your God is but He will be manifested in the works when He turns your tears into a testimony. The negative insulting words spoken by those around you are programmed to tear down your faith and hope but do not focus on them, instead take heart and believe God (Psalm 27:14).
Take your eyes off the burdens and cast them to the Lord; for He will take them up and give you rest.

Psalm 68:19 (GNT); 
“Praise the Lord,
who carries our burdens day after day;
He is the God who saves us”