Thursday, 23 June 2016

Pr. Geoffrey Kibombo

Revelation 2:4-5 (TLB)
“Yet there is one thing wrong; you don’t love me as at first! Think about those times of your first love (how different now!) and turn back to me again and work as you did before”

There is something known as the first love; Jeremiah refers to it as the early godly paths in Jeremiah 6:16 (TLB); “Yet the Lord pleads with you still: Ask where the good road is, the godly paths you used to walk in, in the days of long ago. Travel there and you will find rest for your souls.” 
The servants of God saw the same thing from two different perspectives. John and Jeremiah did not exist in the same generation but they spoke of the same thing as per the revelation received.

Jeremiah is telling us to go back to the old godly paths so that we may find rest for our souls. What is referred to as the godly paths or the first love is a standard by which everything we do should be measured. During our early days of salvation, we always passionately and genuinely love God, His Word, and the church; and the way in which we welcome the word and prophesy into our lives with robust faith. 

The first love you have towards anything is the standard you’re setting for the things in your life and, if the devil is to drive you off course, he will tamper with that standard because when he does so, you are rendered useless. There is first love you had and if you want rest for your soul, you should go back to the beginning - the way you loved God and His ways; the way you loved reading the word, the relationship you had with your pastors and, fellow believers and the passion you had for ministry.

The believers in Ephesus used to praise and worship God, and do good deeds but He had something against them - they had lost the first love they had for Him. You can do all things but if you are not doing them the way you did in the beginning, God is demanding something from you - you only go to church when you are in the right mood; you only read the bible when you are bored; and you only minister when your wallet is smiling! 

Remember how you did things in the beginning – how you served, loved and worshipped God unconditionally; that is the foundation God is looking for. Liken this to something like a new suit or dress you once cherished and admired so much that you only wore it on special occasions; you did not want to put it on regularly because you valued it, however, as time passed, you abandoned it. What changed? The first love you had for it was no more. But God is not like dresses or earthly possessions that lose value over time because, He changes not, and that is why He demands your constant love throughout

Go back to the way you used to do things; that is the standard God wants you to live by. Many marriages fail because couples lose the first love they had for each other, or fail to maintain what they had during the early days of their marriage. Remember the old paths. Do you still do things the way you used to?

When people cross over to Salvation for the first time, with the first love and first faith they have in God, His word and servants, they take every spoken word wholeheartedly; there faith is unshakable, and every time they hear a word, they know it is God who has spoken. But when the devil steals the first love from your life, things become ordinary and familiar, you even start to query God's ways and some scriptures. If you are still doing good things and God appreciates, then why is He demanding this? He does not require more good deeds; He is more interested in the motive behind. 

You are no longer doing things wholeheartedly. For instance, if you have not had a job for a long time and you get one, you will be the first in office and you will complete assignments before deadline. This is because of the overflowing love you have for the job, however as time goes on, you lose the passion you had and become familiar with the whole situation – you come in late, no longer respect your bosses and don’t finish assignments on time. So what happened to you yet your salary has even increased? The first love you had for the job was taken by the devil. It’s the same job, perhaps your salary has been increased, and you have even been promoted but the passion is nowhere.

You used to believe everything the preacher taught, but now you only believe partially. What happened to you? When God weighs the standard that you are using to love him from the first time you knew him till today, has your love increased or deteriorated? Ask yourself. What makes you delay to do things you used to do quickly? Have you lost the first love or it is still intact?

In the book of Joshua 14:11-12 (TLB) Caleb says;
I am as strong now as I was when Moses sent us on that journey, and I can still travel and fight as well as I could then! 12 So I’m asking that you give me the hill country that the Lord promised me. You will remember that as spies we found the Anakim living there in great, walled cities, but if the Lord is with me, I shall drive them out of the land.”

When God spoke to Caleb, he was 40 years and he promised him a hill; He speaks 40 years later at the age of 80, and he still has strength like he did when God first spoke to him. This is because Caleb held onto the first love. He kept the same standard until he was 80 years; he kept the standard of having faith in the promises of God. He maintained the joy he had when he received God’s promise. He believed that God isn’t a liar and he was happy because he knew that when God promises, he fulfills. So what kept Caleb on the same path 40 years later? He maintained the standard, kept the faith and retained the hope of believing in God and his word - his love for God never withered at all.

The first love is powerful, however when the devil destroys it everything becomes meaningless. We see that Caleb had consistent strength and faith. He was not affected by the years that had passed; the years that have gone cannot change God’s working – God is the same yesterday, today and forever, He isn’t affected by seasons and times. The bible says in Mathew 24:12 (AMP) that;
"Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, 13 but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved" 
When you keep the first love, you do not grow cold and you are able to stand firm irrespective of the surrounding circumstances. Even amidst challenges, persecutions and problems do not forsake God.

When we start a new year, people believe that the old year is gone with all its troubles. We become overjoyed and optimistic because we believe the New Year is going to be better, however, a few months down the road, the devil steals your joy and hope; you start to compare the New Year to the past year and first love you had for the New Year is derailed; the love you had has withered, your hope as well as faith in the prophetic word for that year slowly melts, and eventually you are no longer able to stand firm to witness God’s promises.

God does not delay His promises. For He is always faithful and continues to fulfill his word and, if He spoke, he will surely fulfill it. If you want to see His faithfulness, go back to the beginning - the way you received the word and the way you believed that He is going to bring it to pass. The first love causes you to do things right - it enables you to steadily walk the salvation journey. It is what God is demanding from you, be it in marriage, ministry or work, let us do things like we used to in the beginning. 

You have done all but God is demanding the first love from you. Remember the godly paths you used to walk in, in the days of long ago and walk in them; then you shall find rest for your soul.
Seek the old godly way, go back to the first love that you may find rest for your soul!

Sunday, 12 June 2016

Pr. James Victor Lubwama
Proverbs 3:6 (TLB) 
In everything you do, put God first, and he will direct you and crown your efforts with success”.
Some people only go to church for formality or when they are experiencing hardships! If it were not for the hardships, they would not prioritize fellowship or attending church; for instance, if a party and a church service are happening at the same time, someone may choose attending a party over going to church unless if that person’s child is sick or he or she has a pressing problem and needs to be prayed for – they only choose to attend church or fellowship not because they want to learn but to have their needs met.
Many times we do not mind what heaven says about what we do but we need to know that heaven watches us just as the world does. Sometimes we are shamed before the heavens and God because of our actions and choices just like the prodigal son in Luke 15:21 (NIV) - “Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son”
There are few times we give God first priority, but if God is not the first priority in everything you do, then He is not your Lord. You must also acknowledge God in all your ways. Proverbs 3:6 (TLB) says; In everything you do, put God first, and he will direct you and crown your efforts with success”. 
Just like the scripture says, our success lies in putting God first in all we do and not putting our logic, wisdom and instincts first. For example, as you construct a house, acknowledge that with him all are possible and even though you may be limited financially, he will pave avenues for monies to finish what he commissioned since he was the author of that project; so before you embark on anything you need to first consult God because if you make Him the priority, you will never be an option.
The bible tells us to acknowledge God in all our ways and plans - He must be number one. God must be at the forefront of everything you do because If he is not your alpha, he will never be your omega - if he didn't start something, He will never finish it. If you want to see the blessings and victory, acknowledge him in all your ways and put him first; let Him be your number one - author. Before you build, let him lay the first brick; as the year begins, end the previous one and start the New Year in His presence; before you begin a business or embark on a journey, let him lead the way. God doesn’t expect you to get into anything or start something without his knowledge, because he is the author and finisher. If He hasn’t started something, do not expect Him to complete it! We start projects and fail midway because we didn’t consult him at first - your ambition might not be according to his will.
Not everything is right, some things are good but not right; but how do you know the right thing? The one who is all-knowing is God. He knew everything before it was; he sees the end from the beginning, so before you do anything first consult him because he always knows the end result.
You must learn God’s ways if you are to walk with him. Don’t do anything, without consulting him. Before you do anything, first seek counsel from God’s servants - Pastors. If you are to overcome in this world, you need to get God’s view first before you venture into anything. Why do we need counsel or guidance from God’s servants? Because of the devil; the accuser who was cast into the earth. He is always targeting us; he wants us do things and fail, become dissapointed and eventually turn our eyes from Christ. Rev 12:12 (NKJV) says;
 “Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and the sea! For the devil has come down to you, having great wrath, because he knows that he has a short time.”
The devil is the deceiver of all nations. Before you do anything, first consult your adviser. Your adviser is the Holy Spirit and Counselor is Jesus Christ. Isaiah 9:6 (NKJV) says; For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; and the government will be upon his shoulder. And his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace”.

We received the gift of the Son - Jesus but do we use Him? In the book of John we are told that God loved the world and gave his one and only son, and he did it for a reason. The Kingdom of God is upon the shoulders of Jesus. Whatever concerns us, or the world is upon his shoulders. When you go to the Father concerning anything, he points you to Jesus because everything is in his hands. He is the one to decide because he has the final say in the God's Kingdom. He can decide to give you anything, because everything is in his hands - He was slain to receive power, wisdom, wealth and Strength (Revelation 5:12) . But we do not enjoy the benefits in his Kingdom because we are ignorant. The one who is in us governs everything; He decides the movement of the angels. We thank God the father, He loved His son, but loved the world too that He gave us Jesus.
Where do you get your counsel from? Why does God have to rescue you all the time? Before you do anything, go to him first - let him be your author. Consult Him - Holy Spirit and his servants - Pastors. If you put God first in all you do, you will always see victory.
Make God a priority in your life!

Monday, 6 June 2016

Pr. James Victor Lubwama

2 Corinthians 4:4 (GNT)
"They do not believe, because their minds have been kept in the dark by the evil god of this world. He keeps them from seeing the light shining on them, the light that comes from the Good News about the glory of Christ, who is the exact likeness of God."

God won't work for you until you have seen him i.e. God won’t work for you until you, the recipient of redemption or a miracle has realized him. If you are Elisha and you want to receive Elijah’s mantle, you can’t it until you see Elijah go. In 2 Kings 2:9-10(NLT) the bible explains;
"When they came to the other side, Elijah said to Elisha, “Tell me what I can do for you before I am taken away.” And Elisha replied, “Please let me inherit a double share of your spirit and become your successor.” 10 “You have asked a difficult thing,” Elijah replied. “If you see me when I am taken from you, then you will get your request. But if not, then you won’t.”
June is a month to behold if you want to receive anything from God! 

Every person has physical and spiritual eyes. Our minds have eyes, and many times the devil blinds the eyes of our minds or understanding. Just like apostle Paul said in 2 Corinthians 4:4(GNT) ”……. their minds have been kept in the dark by the evil god of this world.” 
When the devil comes, he blinds the eyes of your minds even though your two physical eyes remain open. That is why when you get Born Again, they say that you have seen light - not with your physical eyes but with the eyes of your understanding, and then you begin to perceive things differently, because when you were not Born Again you could see things but not understand them. That’s why we say that Salvation is civilization – Okulokoka kulabuka. When you become Born Again God removes the darkness and you start to see light - You get to see things from God’s point of view. 

Many times problems, challenges and hard times blind the eyes of our minds and make us forsake God and even forget what he did for us hitherto. Every problem comes with blinding power of the eyes of our minds which blindness makes us forget what the Lord did for us previously. However, one who can remember what God did yesterday is the one who can see what God will do today.

This month God is going to work for us but he needs faithful people who can notice what he did in the past five months and still focus their eyes unto him. – People who can overcome the devil’s distraction and remember what he has done for them previously; the victories, joy and successes attained previously amidst challenges.
Let us shift our eyes from the challenges and focus on what God has done. Whenever you see the greatness of God, you will also be able to see his saving hand. If you can still remember what God did for you through his servants, you will still have faith in him and his servants. God doesn’t change. The God of yesterday is the God of today

Don’t let the devil blind, but remember that the Lord who worked for you previously, will also redeem you from what you are facing. If you open the eyes of your mind and see what God did before then you will know that he will do it again. Fix your eyes unto the unchanging God

Happy new month!

Thursday, 2 June 2016

Pr. James Victor Lubwama 

Jeremiah 6:16 (MSG)
Stop at the crossroads and look around. Ask for the old, godly way, and walk in it……..
We get our redemption from the word that proceeds from the heart of God; from it stems our purpose and solution to our problems. God never deviates from his word, and if you are seeking him, you are seeking his word out of which stems life.
We are always craving to hear God speak unto us, but there are many voices that are likened to his voice and we need to have a sense of discernment. Some demons or powers of darkness can confuse you, for they can speak and you may think that it is God when it’s not. Even Paul warned us in 2 Corinthians 11:14 (NIV) that; And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light”.
In other words an angel of darkness can masquerade as an angel of light. He may come and commission you to start something i.e. a ministry or business yet it is not God speaking.  In order to discern whether it is God speaking or not, you need to go back to the beginning - revisit what God told you about your purpose earlier on. The devil always comes to deceive and deviate you from God’s plan and purpose for your life.
God speaks the end before the beginning - the bible teaches in Isaiah 46:10 (EXB) that; “From the beginning I told you what would happen in the end. A long time ago [From ancient times] I told you things that have not yet happened........" Stick to God’s original plan without deviating and by doing so, you shall realise his word -  his word is the blueprint of our lives; its the manual the describes our purpose; its the compass that directs us. The bible says in Luke 11:23 (AMP) He who is not with Me [believing in Me as Lord and Savior] is against Me [there is no impartial position]; and he who does not gather with Me [assisting in My ministry], scatters. When you go off track and alter God’s plan, you shall reap a curse. Heavens will close because you will be scattering instead of gathering.
Whenever you hear a voice contradictory to what God told you or his word, just know that’s the devil not God. The bible says in Jeremiah 6:16 (MSG) Stop at the crossroads and look around. Ask for the old, godly way, and walk in it…….. The devil should not derail you from the godly way. Stop and ask. Ask who? Your spiritual father or the Holy Spirit. Always consult to make sure that you are on the right track and heading in the right direction. One thing you should remember is that somethings are good and right but not godly.

Your advancement lies in having a healthy relationship with your pastor – spiritual father who will always guide you whenever you are going astray; having a spiritual father will keep in you in check and in the right direction; for Samuel guidance from Eli. The bible says in 1 Samuel 3:1-10 (TLB) 
“……..(Samuel had never had a message from Jehovah before) So now the Lord called the third time, and once more Samuel jumped up and ran to Eli. “Yes?” he asked. “What do you need?” Then Eli realized it was the Lord who had spoken to the child. So he said to Samuel, “Go and lie down again, and if he calls again, say, ‘Yes, Lord, I’m listening.’” So Samuel went back to bed. 10 And the Lord came and called as before, “Samuel! Samuel!” And Samuel replied, “Yes, I’m listening.”
Revelation 2:4 (AMP) says; But I have this charge against you, that you have left your first love [you have lost the depth of love that you first had for Me]” The bible tells us to go back to our first love – the pure, nonporous, overflowing love we had for God at the beginning of our Salvation journey. How did you trust then? How did you serve then? How did you fellowship then? What is your current love level towards God and man? Are your vertical and horizontal relationships springing up or deteriorating each day? If you are not carrying the cross you are in trouble. Jesus instructs in Luke 9:23 (NLT) that; If any of you wants to be my follower, you must give up your own way, take up your cross daily, and follow me. The cross refers to your relationships; vertical - with God and horizontal - with man. The two greatest commandments in Mathew 22:37-39 say that; ”Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind.’ 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 The second most important is similar: ‘Love your neighbor as much as you love yourself.”
You have to carry your cross every day: meaning you have to repent your sins and forgive your neighbours. People hurt you and you keep the resentment on your heart, and when you do this, you break your relationship with God; but remember that you also hurt them as well, so we should forgive because God also forgives us. Many Christians prioritize their relationship with God but not with men which is wrong! You to need to balance the equation - vertical and horizontal in order for the cross to be complete
Whenever you do something that God has not tasked you to do, be assured that you are doing someone else’s assignment and there is no reward for it! Whenever you rebel against God and divert from his purposed assignment, be mindful about the end because all that you will have done will pass through fire and be destroyed - you will have no reward from Him in the end. 
Do what you were instructed to do so that you have something to show and stop wasting your years. A man is known by his works! Paul said in 2 Corinthians 3:2-3 (TLB) that; “The only letter I need is you yourselves! By looking at the good change in your hearts, everyone can see that we have done a good work among you. They can see that you are a letter from Christ, written by us. It is not a letter written with pen and ink, but by the Spirit of the living God; not one carved on stone, but in human hearts.
We need to be informed about how God works and heavenly systems so that we do not go off track. You will not see a blessing in the things you do if they are not in line with what God instructed to do at first, because whenever you do something that God has not tasked you to do, be assured that you are doing someone else’s assignment and there is no reward for it! 
Revisit and reignite what God told you in the beginning. Don’t deviate.